10 Reasons You Need a SousVide Supreme

All of us at SousVide Supreme have found that sous vide cooking has become an integral part of our kitchen repertoire – not just because we work here, but because the SousVide Supreme really has changed the way we cook. If you’re still wondering what a SousVide Supreme can do that your conventional appliances can’t, here are ten reasons the SousVide Supreme can and should be your go-to kitchen appliance.

10. SousVide Supreme Looks Great On Your Counter.
Maybe it’s a little shallow, but let’s be honest: the rounded edges, the sleek lines, the brushed chrome of the Touch Plus water oven or the glossy colors of the Demi … unless you’re using a replica of Bird In Space as a paper towel holder, a SousVide Supreme is the closest thing to cooking with a work of art.

9. SousVide Supreme Makes Bad Cooks Great.
Confession: the witticist responsible for writing this blog entry was, until recently, a remarkably terrible cook. Steaks were harmed in the making of dinner, eggs were brutally mistreated, and chicken was avoided entirely for fear of undercooking it, overcooking it, or finding some way to accomplish both simultaneously. But this story has a happy ending, as so many of our stories do: acquiring a SousVide Supreme opened a world of culinary possibilities. The other night, I cooked salmon. Delicious, tender, flaky Honey Glazed Sous Vide Salmon. Before that, Chinn Chinn’s Asian Short Ribs. The SousVide Supreme has done the unthinkable: brought delicious home-cooked meals to my kitchen.

8. SousVide Supreme Means Easy Cleanup.
Sous vide cooking means a meal without a sink full of pans. Try this Sous Vide Pork Tenderloin recipe, courtesy of the blog Nom Nom Paleo, then finish it with our new kitchen torch for an easy meal with no cleanup. Silverware and plates can be used at your discretion.

7. Sous Vide Supreme Saves You Money.
To cut dinner costs, opt for a tough cut of red meat such as a flank steak. Cooking it sous vide for eight to twenty-four hours results in a steak that’s as tender as young love. Other affordable palate-pleasers include sous vide short ribs (such as these short rib recipes from Jason Wilson and Sharone Hakman) and sous vide eye round steak.

6. SousVide Supreme Makes Chicken Exciting.
Even the best home cooks may find themselves dreading yet another evening of chicken – dry, rubbery, bland chicken. The thought alone sends a cold chill up our spines. Fortunately, another night of subpar chicken can be avoided by simply cooking it sous vide. Try Lemon Chicken Sous Vide for a light chicken dish that’s anything but bland.

5. SousVide Supreme Keeps Veggies Nutritious.
Cooking vegetables in water – for instance, boiling – can lead to a significant loss of vitamins. On the other hand, cooking vegetables with water is a great way to keep them nutritious and flavorful. Lock in beta-carotene with our recipe for Basic Sous Vide Carrots. Give your plate some color by preparing Buttered Baby Beets and be secure in the knowledge that even kids will love them; they taste like candy! Whether you’re cooking a side dish or the main course, sous vide veggies are a revelation.

4. SousVide Supreme Lets You Cook Like A Gourmet Chef.
For years, sous vide cooking was limited to restaurant kitchens (save for the few who tried to create their own). Now that the SousVide Supreme has brought sous vide cooking out of the prep kitchen and into homes, restaurant-quality dishes are easier than ever to achieve. Our new Sous Vide Gourmet Cookbook features recipes from four world-class chefs that will have even novice cooks whipping up a fine-dining experience in the comfort of their own kitchens.

3. SousVide Supreme Makes Entertaining Easier.
Cooking for a dinner party can be tricky. All it takes is a particularly engrossing story or one glass of wine too many, and suddenly your roast is overcooked. Or worse, dinner is ready, and your chronically late friends have been “5 minutes away” for the last half hour. With the SousVide Supreme, dinner is ready when you are – whether that’s at 7:30 on the dot or when that last friend staggers through the door. Feed guests on your clock, not your meal’s, with a Sous Vide Leg of Lamb with Brussel Sprouts.

2. SousVide Supreme Means Dinner is Ready in Fifteen Hours … or 15 Minutes.

When talking about cooking sous vide, the focus tends to be on dishes that take hours to cook. And with good reason: after 24 hours, Sous Vide Pulled Pork is so tender it practically pulls itself. But there’s another side to sous vide cooking that’s often overlooked: many dishes can be ready in less than an hour. Salmon with Lemon and Dill only takes 20 minutes to cook. Your Sous Vide Ribeye Steak will be ready in 45 minutes. Sure, there are plenty of dishes that you can start cooking in the morning and have waiting for you when you get home from work, but there are just as many which are perfect for throwing in your SousVide Supreme when you get home late and just want a quick meal. And you can even cook in advance, quick chill, refrigerate, and reheat in the water bath when you get home!

1. SousVide Supreme Brings Out Your Creative Genius.
Whether you’re trying a new recipe or making your own, sous vide cooking is a great way to unleash your culinary creativity. Without the fear of overcooking, you can put all your focus on creating a delicious, unique meal. Over the past few years, all of us at SousVide Supreme have enjoyed seeing an online community of like-minded chefs develop. Whether it’s through Facebook, Twitter, or Instgram, we love to see the culinary adventures you take with your SousVide Supreme, so don’t forget to share!

Did we miss any reasons? Let us know with a comment, a tweet, or a post on our Facebook wall!

16 Responses to “10 Reasons You Need a SousVide Supreme”

  1. Because as a Mom of 5 kids, you can’t measure the value of knowing you are going to have a crazy weeknight events schedule and being able to start cooking days in advance. No more throwing stuff in the crockpot in the morning (which I inevitably forgot to do rushing out the door). No more mushy crockpot concoctions. I love love love my sous vide supreme!

    SousVide Supreme responds: You’ve truly hit on one of the biggest benefits — sous vide lets your cooking schedule flow with the rhythm of your life, rather than bending the rhythm of your life to fit a fixed cooking schedule.

  2. I need a Sous Vide because I’ve never cooked a decent steak in my entire life!

    Help me, Sous Vide!

    SousVide Supreme responds: If I can do it, you can do it! A perfectly cooked steak is push button simple. Really!

  3. My #1 reason, I’ve had gastric bypass and with sousvide cooking, I can eat more cuts of meat than I could with conventional cooking. The sousvide makes everything so tender! Thanks for giving us the sousvide lifestyle! Love it!

    SousVide Supreme responds: OK this is one we really hadn’t thought of and another great reason to cook sous vide!

  4. Because it would make me very happy and it looks great and would make life easier.

    SousVide Supreme adds: That’s 3 good reasons! Happiness first and foremost.

  5. Because there is nothing better than perfectly cooked food every single time. I so want one of these!!!\

    SousVide Supreme responds: And a great reason it is! Thanks for sharing it.

  6. SousVide Supreme makes everything easier. From preparation method, cooking and clean up…it’s all so easy, quick and delicious with SousVide !

    SousVide Supreme responds: Absolutely push button easy. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. SousVide Supreme will awaken your tastebuds. This is how cooking should be done! Truly delicious meals with a minimum of fuss with wonderful results.

    Sous Vide Supreme responds: We agree! Thanks.

  8. Because Sous Vide brings the family together! Cooking together builds strong, happy, sucessful families!!

    SousVide Supreme responds: Couldn’t have said it better ourselves! And it’s so easy, even a kid (supervised, of course) can do it successfully!

  9. Because Thomas Keller may have thought of it first, but with the Supreme, I can make guests think it was my idea.
    Many of the recipes in “Under Pressure” can be adapted easily for home use, and with some planning ahead, I can pre-cook and prep a spectacular dinner party well in advance. [I highly recommend a vacuum chamber sealer, though.]

    SousVide Supreme adds: Outstanding culinary luminary though he is, and despite his fantastic book, TK was far from the first to think of it. (that honor goes at least back to the 1970s to France’s George Pralus or even earlier) but he has done a bang up job of perfecting it. And you have hit on yet another major benefit — prep a party well in advance and entertain like a pro! Thanks!

  10. I just received my Sous Vide Supreme this weekend after a long search trying to source one! Wow – what a brilliant way to cook! I just tried some plain old chicken… Two chicken breasts (bones and skinned) in a bag. 2 chopped cloves of garlic. 1 sprig of coriander (Cilantro). 2 chilli peppers, seeded and chopped. 4-5 button mushrooms sliced. Chopped fresh stem ginger, equal quantity to the garlic. Salt, pepper, a teaspoon of sugar and a bit of butter. 65c for 2 hours in the SVS. Remove chicken from liquor, dry and pan fry until crispy. Remove surplus oil from pan, and another knob of butter and the cooking liquor. reduce by half and serve on top of chicken…

    Wow – it was amazing! Moist and succulent, with a thin crispy surface and a sweet Asian style sauce… Utterly simply, but tastes professional! I have another bag prepared in the fridge for tomorrow night! ;o)))

    Comment from SousVide Supreme: Wow, indeed! Thanks for the great recipe!

  11. SousVide Supreme vs SousVide Supreme Demi. Which one should I go for? SousVide Supreme Demi for a family of four for everyday cooking or SousVide Supreme or a family of four for everyday cooking and occasional home cooking when extended family members gather?

    SVS responds: If you have the room on your countertop, the stainless SousVide Supreme would be a better option, since it will not only let you cook easily for the family of four, but give you the flexibility to tackle bigger events for the extended family at one go. The SousVide Supreme Demi is about 2/3 the size of the original stainless model, with a 9 liter bath versus 11 liter. It’s plenty big for two or four, but harder for a big crowd. As far as the footprint on the counter goes, the larger machine is only 1/2 inch wider and 1 inch longer than the Demi. And they are very nearly the same height. The main differences, apart from size, are the materials used in them (stainless steel versus enameled steel and aluminum in the Demi) and the power (wattage) of the heating elements. There’s a good point by point comparison of the two here. Either way, you can’t go wrong!

  12. If I have cooked, chilled then frozen meat using my SousVide Supreme, then have to cater for a large number of guests at short notice, what is the best way to defrost and reheat the food quickly? With enough notice I can use the SousVide Supreme for the task, but I can’t expect guests to wait hours for the food to be reheated! Would using the microwave be suitable method, or would that only undermine the beneficial effects of sous vide cooking?

    SousVide Supreme responds: The quickest way is to put the pouches into the water bath as it heats up. Reheat to the lowest temperature used to cook if doing multiple types of meat or vegetables cooked at different temperatures initially. The length of time depends on the thickness of the pouches. It takes about 45 minutes for heat to transfer through and through a 1-inch (2.5 cm) pouch of meat. It takes the square of that number (not the multiple) as you get thicker, so a 2-inch (5 cm) thick piece would take 4 hours and a 3-inch (7.5 cm) thick piece could take 9 hours. Thus, for catering purposes, it might be a better idea to keep the portion thickness closer to 1 inch (2.5 cm). You can portion larger pieces after cooking and repackage in a fresh pouch and vacuum seal, too, before freezing to speed things up. Remember, too, that in reheating, all you are doing is heating, not tenderizing, so all that matters is enough time for the heat to diffuse across the thickness, without regard to hours that may be needed to tenderize tough cuts with the initial cooking.

  13. I have the Demi model. It’s fantastic. Here’s one of the many things I do with mine: I will buy plain pork roasts on sale and cut them down to a size perfect for the 2 of us. I season them up with some BBQ seasoning and vacuum package them up. I throw them in the freezer. To cook them I just put one of the frozen roasts right into the Sous Vide before going to bed and cook them at 140. The next day when I am done with work I just pull the roast out, pat it down, give it a quick sear in a cast iron grill pan, slice it up and serve it with BBQ sauce. Super delicious! There is no need to defrost the roast. You can even buy those pre-seasoned sealed pork roasts and cook them in the package they come in.

  14. Hi, I would like to subscribe for this website to take latest updates, so where can i do it please help out.

    SousVide Supreme replies: On the homepage, mid-way down the left side, you’ll see a box that says: Be the first to know. Enter your email in that window and you’ll join the party! You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Pinterest by clicking these icons that are nearby.

  15. You didn’t directly answer the December 27, 2012, question about microwaving. I am thinking about buying the SousVide Supreme and chamber vacuum sealer, but I don’t want to buy two of the SousVide machines and I work long hours, often eating both lunch and dinner at my desk. I want to cook on the weekends, but be able to reheat in the microwave at work. Is that an option? Will the food still be flavorful and of the right texture? Are your pouches microwaveable (so I could just cook, ice, freeze, and then take the pouches I wanted and reheat in the microwave in the same pouch)?

    SousVide Supreme responds: Sorry. It is certainly possible to reheat food in the microwave at work, but depending on what it is it may not have the ideal quality that sous vide cooking provides. Meats, especially red meat, that have been cooked to medium rare will, as foods do, become much more well done upon reheating in the microwave unless it’s done very very very gently for short bursts at partial power. Short answer is it’s not the ideal way to reheat meat or any item cooked at a low temperature. Some foods, such as dark meat poultry or pot roasts that you would be used to eating more well done would reheat fine. And yes the pouches are safe to reheat in.

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